Industrial Sprayers Tips-N-Tricks
In honor of our sale item this month, February 2015 — all
industrial sprayers are deeply discounted — we consulted Moon Decorative’s head trainer, head technician and head R&D guy, Tim Frazier, on tips-n-tricks to ensure your new investment lasts for several seasons!
The below are Tim’s answers to questions that are commonly asked:
What kinds of industrial sprayers are available?
We have 10 different Industrial Sprayers on sale!
Moon Decorative carries three different types: acetone, acid and solvent based sprayers. It might be obvious; however, acetone sprayers are used to spray alcohol stains and urethanes; acid sprayers are used to spray acid stains; and solvent based sprayers are used for cure-n-seals and release agents. Because each sprayer has a specific use, the parts that are used within each variety are chosen so that they don’t react with the chemical inside it. For example, the acid sprayers carrying acid have all plastic parts so that acid doesn’t corrode them. There are rebuildable sprayers (i.e. parts can be replaced if they corrode, etc) and a non-rebuildable types meaning you cannot replace the parts. Moon Decorative carries all replaceable parts for the rebuildable sprayers.
How do you recommend maintaining your sprayer?
Sprayers are similar to paint brushes, and they can potentially last for a long time simply by cleaning them after each use. Each of the sprayer types has different maintenance needs:
Acid sprayers require rinsing with water, and spraying water through the hose and wand into a bucket to insure the entire chemical residue is released will do wonders for its longevity. Once your sprayer is cleaned thoroughly, place it upside down in a dry place until you’re ready to use it again. It will be ready to use again and again!
Acetone sprayers require rinsing thoroughly with straight acetone to clean the pigment out.
With solvent-based sprayers, the best cleaner is the solvent that is used in the product your using.
It’s necessary to lubricate all seals: handles, sprayers, and inside the pump with a silicone grease after each and every use.
What are the most common problems you hear about industrial sprayers?
The customer is not getting the correct tip, and as a result the spray is not what is desired. Some of the types of spray tips are: conical, adjustable conical and fan. Tim prefers the conical variety because he finds that it’s easier to keep a consistent spray, and it’s easier to control the application.
As we were completing our interview, Tim gave one last word of advice — “Remember to spray into a bucket when you’re first starting and stopping.” The spray tips sometimes drip — and could potentially drip onto your concrete creation. Unless you’re going for the Jackson Pollock look, you may want to heed Tim’s recommendation!
As always, rest assured that the Moon Decorative is here to answer any questions you have about sprayers and concrete. We here to help our customers “get it” and “get it right” which is why we enjoy our relationships for the long haul. Here is a quick link to get you to all of our
Industrial Sprayers.